While reading helps us to develop our minds, strengthen and sharpens our language, many people find it burdensome to develop a reading habit because of several factors such as lack of motivation, and discipline issues.
I conducted a user survey where 151 person interested in reading have participated. The survey allowed me to quickly identify patterns of behavior and pain points of the potential users. In addition, I conducted online interviews with 4 people that were chosen from the respondents of the survey to confirm the observed patterns. Based on the insights from the research methods, I created a user persona that allowed me to think from the user perspective while designing and guided me to take product and design decisions. Additionally, I created an existing journey map to identify any gaps and opportunities in the experience.
This user persona was featured in one of JUSTINMIND’s articles 😍️. Look for “The inconsistent reader”.
The solution for this problem was to create a mobile app that hook the users into the reading habit. To achieve that, the app will follow the cornerstones of a habit building process which are the following:
Trigger – They come in two types: external and internal. In this context, the external trigger is the push notification that prompt the user to read and update her/his reading progress. The internal trigger is the desire for improving their communication.
Actions – The main action is the habit the users are trying to build which is the reading activity and the other action is the reading progress update.
Variable rewards – Rewards include the support of friends (claps and comments) and the feeling of accomplishment. According to Nir Eyal, our brains seek out rewards that make us feel accepted, important, attractive, and included. Therefore, including this factor should significantly promote the reading habit formation.
Taam Hateva Market is an online marketplace for agricultural produce. It aims to empower local farmers by allowing them to sell their fresh produce from their farms and deliver them to the buyer’s doorstep.
Read case studyAvenews provides a platform for managing the SME agribusiness owners' entire trade operations in one place including farmers details, invoices, purchase orders, and payments. SME Agribusiness owners are the main users of Avenews. SMEs usually have hundreds of farmers to manage, therefore a single entry upload feature didn't fully fulfill users' needs.
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