My name is Riham Kharoub and I'm passionate about delighting people through design. I started my journey as a front-end developer, but found solace in UI/UX design. I'm a self-taught designer and have learnt a lot of the processes, concepts and theories of UI/UX and product design through online courses, reading books and articles and applying these to projects in my spare time and at work. I am a big-picture thinker and enjoy working on products end to end, from discovery all the way to development.
When I’m given a challenge I go deep into the problem so I can understand the core problem we’re trying to solve. Knowing this helps me make informed decisions and build enthusiasm for creating the best experience.
Humans are constant works in progress that need to receive feedback in order to grow. I am always looking at ways to challenge and improve myself.
Goals align our focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. When we set a goal and reach it, it gives us the taste of victory. We will want to taste that again.
It’s easy to become over-confident in our ideas and assumptions.
Iteration and testing can help bring clarity and confidence to the work.